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Questionnaire Summary
February 19, 2024
First Name | Last Name | Email | Secondary Email |
Builder | Build Type | Lot Number | Subdivision | Acreage |
Other | 0 |
Basic Information
Square Footage | Number Stories | Attic Access | Stair Type | Basement | Basement Sq Ft | Basement Stair Location | Basement Stairs |
3500-3999 SF | 1 story | Traditional pull-down stairs in garage | Yes | 400 SF (20X20 – most typical size) | No Preference | behind door |
Garage Faces | Garage Bays | Bonus Room Needed | Bonus Room Type | Main Floor Bonus Size | Main Floor Bonus Location | Upstairs Bonus Type | Upstairs Bonus Size |
Side | 4 | Yes | Main floor | Greater than 300 SF | unknown media room |
# Bedrooms | # Full Baths | Bath 1 | Bath 2 | Bath 3 | Bath 4 | Bath 5 | Bath 6 | # Half Baths | Access To Porch |
4 | 4 | Master | Private for bedroom | Private for bedroom | Hall | 0 |
Exterior Elevation Details
Dormers | Materials |
Yes | Brick, Stone |
Additional Notes |
Amy has pictures of some stuff she likes in a country elevation.
Most of my pictures are of country elevations. I like a nice front porch and I seem to migrate toward natural wood trim. I like the look of a wood framed house but I'm concerned about maintenance of "siding" like having to paint every few years. I like the combo stone/brick we have in our current neighborhood.
I'm okay for dormer if it enhances / compliments the look. |
Interior Details
Safe Room | Safe Room Location | Dedicated Office | Office Type | Office Size | Office Location | Office Window |
No | Yes | Private with door | About 150 SF (12x13) | Hopefully with lake view. | Yes |
Number Fireplaces | Fireplace 1 Location | Fireplace 2 Location | Fireplace 3 Location | Fireplace 4 Location | Fireplace 5 Location | Fireplace 6 Location |
2 | Family Room | Back Porch |
Laundry Location | Laundry Connection | Laundry Amenities | Pocket Doors | Barn Doors | Additional Storage |
Off mudroom near garage | Sink, Hanging space, cabinet storage | Only when needed | No | Both |
Piano Space | Size of Piano | Pet Considerations | Pet Needs | Other Pet Needs |
No | Yes | Other | For laundry: I'd like a counter top for folding if possible. We have top load so it would need to be separate from machines. See "pet needs" in exterior notes. |
Additional Notes |
8-10 feet between bump curb and back wall in garage with builtin garage grade cabinets.
I prefer a hearth that people can sit on.
Built in storage is very important.
Tall ceilings. |
Kitchen Details
Number Ovens | Oven Location | Fridge Preference | Microwave Location | Pantry Type | Sink Location |
2 | 48" Wide | Kitchen | Walk in | Under window |
Two Dining Tables | Extra Fridge | Extra Fridge Location | Number Island Seats |
No | Yes | Pantry | 4 |
Notes |
Talk to Amy about ovens. Want kitchen to have lake view.
Sink with window is nice but not a hard requirement. Important that fridge, dishwasher, ovens won't interfere if multiple people in the room and need to be in more than one simultaneous. We currently can't have the fridge open if someone is washing dishes.
I'm okay with extra fridge in laundry if that makes more since and is near kitchen. |
Master Suite Details
Master Size | Master Amenities | Additional Seating | Master Shower | Sit Down Vanity | Sit Down Vanity Location |
About 300 SF (18x17 | Isolated, View of backyard, First floor | Yes | Shower door | Yes | Bathroom |
Back Porch Access | Separate Tub | Tub Options | His Her Vanities |
No | No | Yes |
Additional Notes |
No tub. Makeup vanity is not a hard yes. Prefer some separation between our sink areas. I'd also prefer our master closets to be separated if possible.
I don't like open glass showers. At a minimum, I'd like 3 walls to be tiled and the option to cover the door side with a shower curtain like we have today. We have a curtain on a rod just inside the shower door. |
Outdoor Details
Fireplace | Kitchen | Kitchen Options | Pool | Shade Screens |
Fireplace | Yes | BBQ Grill, Under counter fridge, Sink | Yes | No |
Detached Building | Detached Building Options | Barn Material | Poolhouse Material | Shop Material |
Yes | Shop | Other (Specify in notes) |
Additional Notes |
We want an indoor/outdoor living area that has these sliding window/walls like Amy's sister has.
Would like the shop to match the house or look nice if not too expensive. Dennis has specific requirements he wants for functionality |
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